While everyone who enters the ABA field does so with the best of intentions, the application of these strategies are sometimes still used to make individuals with autism appear “normal.” At Master ABA we take a different approach. We celebrate all individuals as neurodiverse and teach professionals how to use these techniques to teach critical skills while maintaining the rights of the individual.
Applied Behavior Analysis remains the best way to help those with autism. As professionals in the field, we need to acknowledge and respect those who fear ABA, while helping them understand the benefits of these strategies. Together we can ensure Applied Behavior Analysis is used in a way that is ethical and respectful of the individual. We can be the voice of change and encourage others to follow suit. You can read more in our post Understanding the Debate about ABA.
Amelia Dalphonse is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) who earned her Master’s in ABA from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. She has been working with children since 1996, and specifically with children with autism since 2009. Her passion is helping children with autism and their families meet their full potential.
Her twin sister, Dianna Kelly, has joined her in her quest to help autistic children by changing the field of Applied Behavior Analysis. She is committed to supporting the rights of children and fighting for acceptance of all individuals.
Together Amelia and Dianna are leading a tribe of ABA Masters to advocate for the autistic community.
We welcome you on this journey!